Friday, October 28, 2016

You are a genius! But your position is just wrong.

 This is a photo I took in a park near my house a few years ago.

 The dead leaf is actually an insect. It mimics a dead leaf.

That was first time I had seen this insect. It was on the vending machine, of all things.

 It might be saying “I am tired of drinking sap, give me some soda!”

Friday, October 14, 2016

Google car has come to my town!

I found a Google car in a park near my house.

 The strange red ball on the roof must be the camera which records everything as it moves through my town.

 I looked in the car. The driver was reading a paper map. What? Are you using a paper map, Mr. Google Map? Even I haven’t used a paper map for a few years. Of course I usually use Google Map on my smartphone. Possibly his work using a paper map makes my non-paper map life possible?

 By the way, this parking area is a hidden free parking spot which is known only by the neighbors. Many businessmen eat lunch or take a nap in their car here. I don’t know their individual situation, but I wonder if this place is hidden from their bosses or managers.

 Mr. Google Map driver, you finally found this place, but please don’t put the information about it on Google Map.


Saturday, October 1, 2016


 Last week I re-watched “Cowboy Be-Bop”, an animated SF TV-show from 1998 by SUNRISE Inc. The characters in the cartoon were like my long lost friends.

 I was shocked when I watched episode eighteen, “Speak like a child”. Suddenly “a drone” appeared. “Drones” were delivering packages from the sky in “the world in 2071”.

 Eighteen years ago, “Cowboy Be-Bop” was canceled because of low viewer ratings. Its unexpected epilogue was the worst episode ever. For enthusiastic supporters including me, SUNRISE Inc. made a movie version in September 2001. But a few days before the release, 9-11 happened. Everyone was glued to the TV. In those days I lived in Tokyo. I went to a theater in downtown Tokyo but few people were watching the movie. “Cowboy Be-Bop” completely failed.

 A friend of mine was working for the Japan Patent Office. I asked him a question:

“The idea of a drone could be inspired by “Cowboy Be-Bop”. The people who get tons of money from drones have a duty to pay “Cowboy Be-Bop”. They need to regather the crew and voice actors to make sequels. Am I right?”

My friend said:

“Published ideas as works can’t have patents. They are just protected by copyright.”

 He meant that even if someone invented a “time machine” in the future, the author of the novel “The time machine” in 1895, H. G. Wells, couldn’t get any money.

 Dear my friends, creators! If you think up a good idea in the future, don’t publish immediately! Please tell the idea to a lawyer and get a patent.

I just wish to watch sequels of “Cowboy Be-Bop”. Someone do something!

Photo by KY